The All on 4 implant denture utilizes carefully planned implants as anchors in the bone for holding a denture securely in place. All on 4 dentures are a drastic improvement from traditional dentures which have to rely on fragile tissue, suction and often times adhesive to keep the denture in place. This is often very frustrating because most of the time this is not enough to keep the denture from moving around and causing sores and making it impossible to eat. This can be particularly embarrassing in social situations if your teeth are moving while you eat or talk. Furthermore this can lead to serious health issues if you are not able to sustain a proper diet due to it being difficult to eat certain foods. All on 4 dentures do not come in and out and they do not move so you will be able to eat like you did with your natural teeth. The denture does not rest on your gums so there are no sore spots that develop and they can be easily cleaned underneath with a water pik. No more adhesive, no more sores, no more pain when eating, and no more lack of confidence in social settings.
The All on 4 denture requires at least 4 implants to support the denture but often times 5 or 6 implants will create the most stable situation. We determine how many implants will be needed when carefully planning each individual case. We use all the latest technology to plan the implant denture from start to finish. We use CBCT radiographs and digital impressions of your mouth which allow us to digitally pre-plan all positions and sizes of the implants even before the procedure. Once the plan is created we work closely with our dental labs to create custom milled surgical guides which allow us to precisely place the implants. After the implants are placed we are able to attach your denture to those implants so that you get to go home with your new teeth and show them off. This denture is to be used during the healing stages. After healing has taken place we make a second denture which will then be used as your final denture.
Whether you have dentures and you are tired of them moving around or you have teeth but are not eating well and want to go to a full denture please come see us and we will put a treatment plan together for you and review your options in detail. This is the absolute best way to replace your missing teeth when there are multiple teeth missing.