Root Canals

With Two Convenient Chandler Locations

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Root Canals

What Are Root Canal Appointments Like At Chandler Dental?

The actual name for a root canal procedure is Root Canal Therapy (RCT) or Endodontic Therapy. Root Canal Therapy is perhaps the most misunderstood and most feared procedure in dentistry.  We believe this is because when people have a painless, uneventful Root Canal completed, they usually don’t go tell all their family and friends about how they just had an amazing Root Canal done today.  People tend to only talk about their difficult Root Canal experiences.  At Chandler Dental we go to great lengths to make sure every procedure is as comfortable as possible – especially Root Canal Therapy.  We estimate that about 50% of our patients are so relaxed that they fall asleep during their procedure.  We provide mouth rests, blankets, neck pillows, shades, and even headphones and Netflix so you can watch your favorite show on the TVs mounted to the ceiling in every room during your procedure.  As with any dental procedure, knowledge, training and experience are also very important when it comes to providing a comfortable visit for patients. At chandler Dental we have an amazing group of caring dentists who are committed to changing the negative reputation that comes with procedures such as Root Canals, Extractions, and even dentistry in general.  Give us a call for a free consultation and experience the difference for yourself. 

What Exactly is a Root Canal?

In order to understand what a Root Canal procedure is we need a quick dental anatomy lesson. The phrase ‘Getting a Root Canal done’ is actually a misnomer.  A ‘root canal’ is not the name of a procedure, it is just a normal part of the anatomy of every tooth.  The name for the procedure is actually Root Canal Therapy (RCT).  The short explanation is that RCT is when the chamber and canals inside your tooth are cleaned out and sterilized so they are free of bacteria and then a filling is placed in the chamber and tunnels. It is essentially the same concept as a deep filling.  It is a common misconception that RCT means that the roots of your tooth are removed – this is not true.  For those who like more details continue reading for more information.  The part of a tooth that you can see in your mouth is called the crown of the tooth. (This is different than a crown procedure where a porcelain covering gets cemented onto a tooth.)  The portion of a tooth that is beneath the gums is the root or roots of a tooth if it is a tooth that has more than one root.  The roots are what anchor teeth in the bone and keep them firmly in place.  In the middle of each tooth crown is a chamber buried beneath a layer of enamel and dentin called the pulp chamber.  This chamber is connected to the root canals that branch off into the different roots if there are multiple roots.  Each root has at least one canal going down the center of it. The chamber and roots contain blood vessels and nerves.  These canals are basically little tunnels that go from the middle of the crown portion of our tooth down to the end of the root(s).  When bacteria reach the pulp chamber by way of a cavity or a crack this is when Root Canal Therapy is needed.  Essentially Root Canal Therapy is the process of cleaning bacteria out of the chamber and root canals of a tooth and placing a filling that seals the chamber and root canals. 

Root Canal Therapy is a safe, effective, and successful way to prolong the life of a tooth for many years if it has been compromised by a large cavity and/or a crack, or if you have an infection.  If a tooth is hurting and it is still a strong tooth this is the best way to get you out of pain without removing the tooth.  Sometimes however, a tooth is to compromised by decay or bone loss to try and save it, in these cases an extraction will be recommended.  It is not unusual to see patients with teeth that had root canals done 20-30 years ago and they are completely healthy and symptom free.  If you are in pain or have a broken tooth and feel like you may need Root Canal Therapy, come see us at Chandler Dental.  Our experienced dentists will be able to quickly identify the problem and recommend the best treatment for you and your tooth so we can get you out of pain.

Root Canals Chandler AZ

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